Da steckt mehr dahinter



The curtain.

What is behind the brand LIDL? A question that is not easy to answer. After all, we only see the end product when we shop. But what is often forgotten is the large number of people and processes working in the background to fill the shops for the customers. From purchasing, to logistics, to the shop. 

This isn’t a new problem to LIDL Switzerland. Very few people know that there is a modern new headquarters in Switzerland, for example, with many interesting jobs. With the new employer brand campaign we take a closer look at the variety of job opportunities at LIDL Switzerland. We chose a large blue curtain as a visual representation of the look behind the scenes. As the employer brand has always been shown on a blue background in recent years, we now look behind the background to see what exactly is behind it.

We are guided through the head office, logistics and branch offices by an unconventional, likeable character and get a good impression of what we might otherwise miss.



The campaign consists essentially of a main film, which shows the viewer in an entertaining way that there is more to LIDL Switzerland than meets the eye. The main film is accompanied by four interview films. In these, real LIDL employees from various departments talk about their everyday experiences on the topics of diversity, success, further education and team spirit, providing us with a 360º view of the company.

In addition to our films, our outdoor campaign is an important part of the overall campaign. Four key visuals show what is behind Lidl Switzerland: a large motivated team made up of people from the most diverse departments. 

The campaign was adapted in 3 languages due to the different national languages and thus reaches the whole of Switzerland, in the form of posters, social media and paid media.